
An Indian hero - SHIVAJI MAHARAJ (short essay) The history of India is full of the stories of countless heroes and gallants. Their deeds of bravery, gallantry, chivalry and heroism have left indelible marks. Shivaji is one of those Indian heroes who have been acknowledged as the most worthy and remarkable personalities. He was born in 1627. His father Shahji was a small Jagirdar. His mother Jija Bai was a very pious and intelligent woman. She moulded the early life of Shivaji in a way that it dazzled like a star. She infused in him the burning love for his motherland. Right from beginning Shivaji had been a fearless, brave and kind soldier. That is why he is called the ' Defender of the Hindu religion." His boyhood proved the saying of Wordsworth, who wrote "Child is the father of man." He was very promising, shrewd, intelligent and patriotic right from his childhood. As a matter of fact, his mother was his first teacher who directed the early life and l...